At Connected Chiropractic, we like to ensure that everyone who walks through our door is informed about their body, their potential for healing, and how chiropractic can help you.


About Chiropractic

Chiropractors are fully regulated primary healthcare professionals. The World Health Organisation defines Chiropractic as a “health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.

Nervous System.

Your nervous system comprises of your brain, spinal cord and the network of nerves that travel throughout your body to every cell, tissue and organ.

Its purpose is to co-ordinate and regulate every system of your body so that the body can adapt to your ever-changing environment. Ultimately a healthy nervous system ensures survival.

Your nervous system controls conscious actions such as voluntary movement and thoughts as well as unconscious actions such as your heart rate, temperature regulation and digestion.

It is also your nervous system that is responsible for your experience of pain, which is your body's way of signalling a threat to the function of your system.

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Your spine has the important job of protecting the superhighway carrying messages both to and from your brain and body. It is cleverly designed to both protect, while still allowing a wide range of movement.

Your spine consists of 24 movable bones and your sacrum and coccyx. Spinal nerves exit at each side between the movable bones carrying messages to nearby areas. Between each spinal vertebra, there is a cushion or disc which acts as a shock absorber. For increased stability, there are strong ligaments which run from the top to the bottom and tiny muscles that pass between each spinal segment. These surround the spine and discs for stability.

If your spine is not aligned or moving correctly, this causes interference to the nervous system and typically results in altered function.

By optimising spinal alignment and movement, chiropractic care enhances the function of joints, nerves and soft tissues such as discs and muscles. This is the key to removing pain and promoting health and well-being.

What to expect


Our aim on your first visit is to explore how we can help you. We will ask you to complete a health history form, then Dr Lindsey will complete a full consultation and explore your health goals. This is followed by an assessment of your posture, movement and an orthopaedic & neurological assessment to obtain vital information about the function of your spine and nervous system. We do not have x-ray facilities on site, these can be arranged if necessary (there is a stand alone fee for these).

First Visit

Second Visit


We refer to your second visit as your 'Report of Finding' visit, during which we will discuss your case with you, make recommendations and answer any questions you have. With your consent, we can then start the healing process with your first treatment.

Regular Visits


We refer to regular visits as 'adjustments visits'. Adjustments are designed to gently and effectively restore healthy joint movement and alignment to restore function and optimise communication through the nervous system.

At Connected Chiropractic Dr Lindsey is skilled in a range of techniques ranging from manual hands on techniques to much gentler methods without the ‘cracking’ or ‘popping’ noises often associated with more traditional hands on techniques.

Impulse IQ

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Dr Lindsey is now offering treatments utilising the latest technology in Chiropractic, the impulse IQ® adjusting instrument. When applied to a dysfunctional joint the instrument thrusts at the ideal frequency to maximise motion and has patented Auto-Sense® technology that senses when mobility is maximised. The individual receiving treatment can remain relaxed and is not moved into awkward positions so it is ideal for those who are anxious or uncomfortable with standard adjustment procedures.


Chiropractic was founded as a profession in 1895 by DD Palmer. It is a health care system that acknowledges the innate healing and recuperative power of the body.

By optimising spinal alignment and movement, chiropractic care enhances the function of joints, nerves and soft tissues such as discs and muscles. This is the key to removing pain and promoting health and well-being.

Human bodies are designed to move. In an age of demanding lives, sedentary occupations and poor posture from overuse of technology, spinal conditions are on the rise.

Here at Connected Chiropractic, our priority is to understand the cause of your problem and work with you to enhance your body’s ability to heal itself rather than mask the symptoms.